According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, alchemy is “an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting.” Alchemy for Android is an interesting puzzle game that’s based around just that: taking four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, and combining them back and fourth to eventually create 370 different unique items.
When the game first starts, you are presented with your “workspace”. Here, all four original elements are positioned in a cross on screen. You simply drag one element onto another, and presto chango, if those elements can be combined, they change into something else. You can add previous elements already created to make more elements, by using the small plus sign on the bottom of your workspace, going for crazier and crazier combinations every time.
You can also undo combinations in the premium version of Alchemy, by using the undo button, and use the “?” button for a quick intro to the game, as well as one other thing; quite possibly my favorite feature of the game that’s generally overlooked. If you drag any element you’ve created onto the ? button, then a quick intro for that element’s Wikipedia entry pops ups with a link to continue reading. I’ve put this function to the test, and in all my experiences, it’s very well done.
Alchemy for Android currently has 5,000,000 – 10,000,000 installs, with a five star rating from 139,800 reviews. If you’ve spent a lot of time in the Android Market, you know that this is phenomenal. I can assure you, there is a good reason for those stats, as the game plays flawlessly, and there’s hours upon hours of fun to be had. To download Alchemy, use the Android Market download link below.
Update: Added 6 new combinations! Thanks to Rafa Miranda, Desi and シドニー for helping up.
Let’s check some Alchemy App Combinations below. Here’s 378 combination’s below:
- 1UP= Life + Mushroom
- Air= Starter
- Airplane= Air + Car
- Albert Einstein = Scientist + Energy
- Alcohol= Fire + Water
- Alcoholic= Man + Beer/Vodka/Alcohol
- Algae= Life + Water
- Alien = Star + Life
- Aluminium = Airplane + Metal
- Ambulance = Hospital + Car
- Arable= Earth + Tool
- Arms= Metal + Tool
- Ash= Fire + Snake
- Ash Tray= Ash + Glass
- Assassin= Man + Poisoned Weapons
- Australia = Kangaroo + Country
- Avian Flu= Flu + Bird/Chicken
- Bacon= Fire + Pig
- Bacteria= Life + Swamp
- Bar= Brick House + Beer
- Barbecue= Fire + Meat
- Bat= Bird + Vampire
- Batman= Man + Bat
- Beach= Water + Sand
- Bear= Beast + Forest
- Beast= Earth + Lizard
- Beaver= Dam + Beast
- Bee = Flower + Beetle
- Beer= Alcohol + Wheat
- Beetle= Earth + Worm
- Belarus = Tractor + Country
- Berry= Grass + Fruit
- Bicycle= Wheel + Wheel
- Bird= Air + Egg
- Bitumen= Kerogen + Pressure
- Blood= Beast + Hunter
- Boat= Water + Wood
- Boiler= Metal + Steam
- Book= Feather + Paper
- Bow = Robin Hood + Arms
- Bread= Dough + Fire
- Brick= Clay + Fire
- Brick House= Brick + Concrete
- Butterfly= Air + Worm
- Cactus= Desert + Tree
- Cancer = Cigarettes + Man
- Camel = Desert+Beast
- Car= Cart + Combustion Engine
- Caramel= Sugar + Fire
- Carbon Dioxide= Oxygen + Man
- Carmine= Cochineal + Fire
- Cart= Wheel + Wood
- Cat = Hunter + Mouse
- Catdog = Cat + Dog
- Caviar= Fish + Fish
- Cement= Clay + Limestone
- Cemetery= Grave + Grave
- Ceramics= Clay + Man
- Champagne= Wine + Soda Water
- Chariot= Warrior + Cart
- Cheese= Quark(Cheese) + Fire
- Chicken= Egg + Life
- China = Dragon + Country
- Christmas Tree= Tree + Lightbulb
- Cigarettes= Paper + Tobacco
- City= Skyscraper + Skyscraper
- Clay= Sand + Swamp
- Clock = Time + Tool
- Cloth= Tool + Wool
- Clothing= Cloth + Man
- Cloud= Air + Steam
- Coal= Fire + Tree
- Coca-Cola= Soda Water + Carmine
- Cocoa = Seed+Mexico
- Cochineal= Cactus + Beetle
- Coffin= Corpse + Wood
- Coin = Money + Metal
- Combustion Engine= Steam Engine + Gasoline
- Concrete= Cement + Water
- Continent = Country + Country
- Corpse = Fire + Man
- Country = City + City
- Dam= Brick + Water
- Desert= Sand + Sand
- Diamond= Uncut Diamond + Tool
- Diet= Man + Yogurt
- Dilemma = Chicken + Egg
- Dinosaur= Earth + Egg
- Doctor = Hospital + Scientist
- Dog = Wolf + Man
- Dough= Flour + Water
- Dragon= Fire + Flying Dinosaur
- Dr. Zoidberg = Lobster+Doctor OR Alien+Doctor
- Dust= Air + Earth
- Earth= Starter
- Ectoplasm= Ghost + Energy
- Egg= Life + Stone
- Egypt = Cat + Country OR Mummy + Country
- Electric Eel= Snake + Electricity
- Electric Ray= Fish + Electricity
- Electricity= Energy + Metal
- Elephant = Whale + Earth OR India + Beast
- Energy= Air + Fire
- Explosion= Gasoline + Fire
- Faberge Egg = Egg + Diamond
- Farmer= Man + Seed
- Fat= Man + Pig
- Feather= Bird + Hunter
- Fern= Moss + Swamp
- Finland = Sauna + Country
- Fire= Starter
- Fire Elemental= Fire + Life
- Firearms= Arms + Gunpowder
- Firefighter= Hero + Fire
- Firefly= Light + Beetle
- Fish= Bacteria + Plankton
- Fisherman= Hunter + Fish
- Flour= Stone + Wheat
- Flower= Water + Seed
- Flu= Air + Bacteria
- Flying Dinosaur= Air + Dinosaur
- Fondue= Cheese + Fire
- Forest= Grove + Grove
- Fossil= Dinosaur + Earth
- France = Champagne + Country
- Frankenstein= Corpse + Electricity
- Fried Chicken = Chicken + Fire
- Frog= Lizard + Swamp
- Fruit= Tree + Farmer
- Fugu = Fish + Poison
- Gasoline= Petroleum + Pressure
- Genie= Lamp + Ghost
- Germany = VW Beetle + Country
- Geyser= Steam + Earth
- Ghost= Ash + Life
- Ghostbusters = Ghost + Hunter
- Glass= Fire + Sand
- Gold = Philosopher’s Stone + Metal
- Golem= Clay + Life
- Grape= Earth + Wood
- Grass= Earth + Moss
- Grave= Earth + Corpse
- Grove= Tree + Tree
- Gunpowder= Dust + Fire
- Hen Coop= Chicken + Hut
- Hero= Dragon + Warrior
- Honey = Bee + Sugar
- Hospital= Brick House + Sick
- Hourglass= Glass + Sand
- House MD = Man + Vicodin
- Hunter= Arms + Man
- Hut= Man + Stone
- Hydrogen= Water + Electricity
- Ice = Water + Glass
- Iceland = Ice + Country OR Volcano + Country
- Idea= Man + Light Bulb
- India = Kama Sutra + Country
- Iodine= Algae + Fire
- Island = Volcano+Sea
- Italy = Pizza + Country
- Japan = Sushi + Country
- Jedi = Hero + Lightsaber
- Juice = Fruit + Pressure
- Kama Sutra= Book + Sex
- Kangaroo = Frog + 1UP OR Frog + Beast
- Kerogen = Fossil + Pressure
- Knife= Meat + Tool
- Kilt = Scotland + Clothing
- Lamp= Fire + Glass
- Lance Armstrong = Cancer + Bicycle
- Lava= Earth + Fire
- Lava Golem= Lava + Life
- Lava Lamp= Lava + Lamp
- Lawnmower = Grass + Tool
- Leech= Blood + Worm
- Library= Book + Book
- Lichen= Mushroom + Algae
- Life= Energy + Swamp
- Light= Electricity + Light Bulb
- Light Bulb= Electricity + Glass
- Lighthouse= Skyscraper + Light
- Lightning Rod= Thunderstorm + Metal
- Light Saber= Arms + Light
- Lime= Fire + Limestone
- Limestone= Shells + Stone
- Livestock= Beast + Man
- Lizard= Snake + Worm
- Lobster = Scorpion+Water
- Locomotive= Cart + Steam Engine
- Man= Beast + Life
- Manure= Grass + Livestock
- Mario= 1UP + Man
- McDonald’s= Coca-Cola + Sandwich
- Meat= Beast + Hunter
- Mentos = Coca-Cola + Geyser
- Metal= Fire + Stone
- Metal Golem= Life + Metal
- Mexico = Tequila + Country
- Microchip = Transistor + Transistor
- Milk= Livestock + Man
- Mirror = Aluminium + Glass
- Mite= Life + Dust
- Mold= Mushroom + Mud
- Molotov Cocktail= Fire + Alcohol
- Money = Gold + Paper
- Moon = Cheese + Sky
- Moss= Swamp + Algae
- Motorboat= Boat + Combustion Engine
- Motorcycle= Bicycle + Combustion Engine
- Mouse = Cheese + Beast
- Mud= Dust + Water
- Mummy = Paper + Corpse
- Museum= Brick House + Fossil
- Mushroom= Earth + Algae
- Music = Sound + Idea
- Obesity= Man + McDonald’s
- Old Man = Man + Time
- Omelette= Egg + Fire
- Oxygen= Water + Electricity
- Oxyhydrogen= Oxygen + Hydrogen
- Ozone= Oxygen + Electricity
- Panda= Tree + Beast
- Paper= Reed + Tool
- Pearl= Sand + Shells
- Peat= Swamp + Tree
- Penguin = Bird + Ice
- Penicillin= Mold + Scientist
- Perfume = Flower + Alcohol
- Petri Dish= Glass + Bacteria
- Petroleum= Bitumen + Pressure
- Philosopher’s Stone = Philosophy + Stone
- Philosophy = Dilemma + Scientist
- Phoenix= Bird + Fire
- Pig = Livestock + Mud
- Piggy Bank = Pig+Coin
- Pillow= Feather + Cloth
- Pinocchio= Wood + Life
- Pizza= Cheese + Dough
- Planet = Continent + Continent
- Plankton= Bacteria + Water
- Plesiosaurus = Dinosaur + Water
- Poison= Mushroom + Tool
- Poisoned Weapons= Arms + Poison
- Pressure = Earth + Earth
- PRISONER = Assassin + Time
- QUARK (Cheese) = Soured Milk + Fire
- QUETZALCOATL = Snake + Bird
- R2D2 = Robot+Star Wars
- Rainbow = Steam + Light
- REED = Grass + Swamp
- Robin Hood = Forest + Hero
- Robot = Metal Golem + Electricity
- Romania = Transylvania + Country
- Ruby = Blood + Diamond
- Russia = Vodka + Country
- RUST = Water + Metal
- SAILBOAT = Boat + Cloth
- SAILING SHIP = Cloth + Wooden Ship
- SAILOR = Boat + Man
- SALAMANDER = Fire + Lizard
- Salo = Man + Pig
- Salt = Sea+Fire
- SALTPETER = Limestone + Manure
- SAND = Stone + Water
- SANDSTORM = Storm + Sand
- SANDWICH = Meat + Bread
- Santa Claus = Old Man + Chrismas Tree
- Saudi Arabia = Petroleum + Country
- Sauna = Steam + Hut
- SCARAB = Beetle + Manure
- SCIENTIST = Library + Man
- SCISSORS = Knife + Knife
- SCORPION = Beetle + Sand
- SCOTCH WHISKEY = Alcohol + Peat
- Scotland = Scotch Whiskey + Country
- Sea = Water+Water
- SEED = Life + Sand
- SEX = Man + Man
- Sex In The City = Sex + City
- SHELLS = Plankton + Stone
- SICK = Man + Flu
- SILICON = Pressure + Sand
- Silk = China+Cloth
- Silver = Moon + Metal
- Sith = Jedi + Assasin
- SKY= Air + Cloud
- SKYSCRAPER = Brick House + Glass
- SMOKE = Fire + Tobacco
- SNAIL = Shells + Worm
- SNAKE = Swamp + Worm
- SNIPER = Assassin + Firearms
- SOAP = Ash + Fat
- SODA WATER = Carbon Dioxide + Water
- SOLDIER = Firearms + Man
- Sound = Metaql + Wind
- SOURED MILK = Milk + Yogurt
- SPINNING WHEEL = Wheel + Wool
- STAKE = Wood + Knife
- STAR = Sun + Scientist
- Starwars = Jedi + Sith
- Statue = Stone + Tool
- Statue Of Liberty = USA + Statue OR USA + France
- STEAM = Air + Water
- STEAM ENGINE = Boiler + Coal
- STEAMER = Steam Engine + Wooden Ship
- STONE = Air + Lava
- STORM = Air + Energy
- SUGAR = Lime + Reed
- SULFUR = Bacteria + Swamp
- SUN = Sky + Chariot
- Sunflower = Sun + Flower
- SUSHI= Fish + Algae
- SWAMP = Earth + Water
- SWEATER = Yarn + Tool
- SWINE FLU = Pig + Flu
- Swiss Army Knife =
- Switzerland = Clock + Country
- TEAM = Beast + Cart
- TEQUILA = Alcohol + Worm
- The Beatles = Beatle + Beatle
- THUNDERBIRD = Bird + Storm
- THUNDERSTORM = Storm + Electricity
- TIME = Life + Hourglass
- TOAST = Fire + Bread
- TOBACCO = Fire + Grass
- TOOL = Man + Metal
- TOTORA = Forest + Ghost
- Tractor = Lawn Mower + Arable
- Transistor = Silicon + Metal
- Transylvania = Vampire + Country
- TREE = Earth + Seed
- TURTLE = Egg + Sand
- TWILIGHT SAGA = Vampire + Werewolf
- TYPHOON = Storm + Water
- UFO = Alien + Airplane
- Ukraine = Salo + Country
- UNCUT DIAMOND = Coal + Pressure
- UNDEAD = Corpse + Zombie
- United Kingdom = The Beetles + Country
- USA = McDonald’s + Country
- VAMPIRE= Blood + Man
- Venice = City + Water
- Vicodin = Sick + Doctor
- VINEGAR = Alcohol + Oxygen
- VODKA = Alcohol + Water
- VOLCANO = Lava + Pressure
- VULTURE = Corpse + Bird
- VW BEETLE = Car + Beetle
- WALKING TREE = Life + Tree
- WARRIOR = Arms + Hunter
- WATER = Starter
- WEEVIL= Flour + Beetle
- WEREWOLF= Beast + Vampire
- WHALE = Beast + Water
- WHEAT= Arable + Seed
- WHEEL = Tool + Wood
- WHEY = Soured Milk + Fire
- WIND = Air + Air
- WINE = Grape + Alcohol
- Wolf = Werewolf + Moon
- WOOD = Tool + Tree
- WOODEN SHIP = Boat + Wood
- WOOL = Beast + Hunter
- WORM = Earth + Plankton
- YARN = Spinning Wheel + Wool
- Yoda = Jedi + Swamp
- YOGURT = Bacteria + Milk
- YOSHI = 1UP + Egg
- ZOMBIE = Corpse + Life
- ZOO = Beast + Museum
- Beetroot = Sugar + Seed
- Borscht = Beetroot + Fire
- Woman = Man+ Milk
- Sex = Man + Woman
- Baby = Man or Woman + Sex
- Radio = Transistor + Sound
milk + man = woman
ReplyDelete379 omg its driving me crazy
ReplyDeleteI only counted 370. :/
ReplyDeleteWe did listed a total of 383 different combinations but based on user interaction and software change, here's 370 indeed. But wait! Here's a little secret and we found some more combinations and those will be disclosed soon.
ReplyDeleteShould have a new one: Transistor + sound = radio.
ReplyDeleteI see that you're missing beetroot and borscht.
ReplyDeleteSugar + Seed = Beetroot
Beetroot + Fire = Borscht
Rafa Miranda Thanks for the tips! added three new combination as you suggested.
ReplyDelete@Desi Thanks for helping out! added two new
ReplyDeleteシドニー Thanks. Added one new from your tips
ReplyDeleteswiss army knife = knife + tool
ReplyDeleteMissing sex + woman/man = baby
ReplyDeleteRadio does not work
ReplyDeleteTransformers = Life + Car
ReplyDeleteExplosion = Gunpowder + Fire
ReplyDeletetransistor and sound don't equal radio-i'm four away from having it all done and i've used your list to go by and compare-it's four short. and walking tree is listed under ent
ReplyDeleteA few you don't have are chocolate (cocoa and fire), crop circle (UFO and arable), e-book (book and micro chip), hot chocolate (chocolate and fire), and mermaid (woman and fish).
ReplyDeleteThanks for your support! Will verify and add them asap. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteto make a pterodactyl use dinosaur + air
ReplyDeleteI got 379 of 380. This is so annoying!
ReplyDeleteit's cocoa and sugar to make chocolate
ReplyDeleteRain = Water + Cloud
ReplyDeletetransformers = Life + Car
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ReplyDeleteكما أنها تعتبر من أفضل الطرق المحببة إلى الأطفال والتي تحتوي في الكثير من الأوقات على المقليات وغيرها من الأطباق المشوية وغيرها.
وزير الخارجية الامريكي صرح وزير الخارجية الامريكي، مايك بومبيو، اليوم الخميس، أن المبعوث الامريكي بشأن إيران برايان هوك قرر ترك منصبه.
ReplyDeleteوأعلن وزير الخارجية الأمريكي، عن تعيين إليوت إبرامز خلفا له.