Talking Tom Cat 2 : Play With Your Pet Cat In Android, iPad & iPhone [Games]

Talking Tom Cat is truly a brilliant program (I think Games is not the perfect word to describe it) which you can use to pass your leisure t...

Talking-Tom-Cat-2--Play-With-Your-Pet-Cat-In-Android,-iPad-&-iPhone-[Games]Talking Tom Cat is truly a brilliant program (I think Games is not the perfect word to describe it) which you can use to pass your leisure time with pleasant. It’s one of those very few games whose can be played by anyone and at any time. Talking Tom Cat is a fun application for Android and iOS. The little cat Tom is able to repeat everything you say to him in a funny voice, you can scratch the screen of your device, drink him milk and give love. You have to use your brain to use to use any functions  – because Tom will response with everything you do to him. If you do what he is wanting, he will give you a yield laugh. The application is able to recognize what you say and repeat the words in a cat voice. More to read.

Talking Tom Cat 2  Play With Your Pet Cat In Android, iPad & iPhone [Games] (6)

Tom moved out of the alley and into a cool apartment. But everything is not perfect for Tom, his neighbor Ben teases and pesters him constantly.. Simply move your hand on your head and belly to get it to purr, closing her eyes. If you stay too long without attention, the little cat starts sneezing and yawning.

Talking Tom Cat 2  Play With Your Pet Cat In Android, iPad & iPhone [Games] (1)  Talking Tom Cat 2  Play With Your Pet Cat In Android, iPad & iPhone [Games] (2)

Talking Tom Cat can also scratch the screen when you click on the icon of a foot - the lower left side of the screen - and get milk, so that it feeds by clicking the icon with a small jug. In the upper left corner, there is an icon with a camcorder. This option allows you to create a movie up to 30 seconds, and repeats the actions of the cat. It can be shared by email or sent directly to YouTube and Facebook.

Talking Tom Cat 2  Play With Your Pet Cat In Android, iPad & iPhone [Games] (3) Talking Tom Cat 2  Play With Your Pet Cat In Android, iPad & iPhone [Games] (4) Talking Tom Cat 2  Play With Your Pet Cat In Android, iPad & iPhone [Games] (5)

By accessing the Application menu there is the Violence, which can be enabled or disabled. If the option is enabled, Tom will make love with you, you can hit head and pull tail and more. Another option is Listen for longer, which means that Tom will hear your voice for longer before repeating what you say.

How to Play:

  • Talk to Tom and he will repeat everything you say in a funny voice.
  • Pet Tom’s belly or head and make him purr.
  • Poke his head, belly or feet.
  • Pull or touch his tail.
  • Press the fart button to see Ben fart and Tom grab his nose. After that Tom repeats with his nose closed for a while.
  • Press the bag button to make Ben pop a paper bag and scare Tom. It’s hilarious.
  • Press the phone button to make Tom play with the original Talking Tom app.
  • Press the feathers button to see Ben hit Tom with a pillow.
  • Press the ? button to make Tom pull random items from behind his back.
  • Shop & equip Tom with awesome accessories.
  • Record and share videos of Tom.

Talking Tom Cat 2 is available as both free and paid version for Android, iPad & iPhone. Talking Tom Cat 2 need Android 2.1 or later and iOS 3.2 or later to run.

Download Talking Tom Cat 2 Free For Android

Download Talking Tom Cat 2 Free For iPad

Download Talking Tom Cat 2 Free For iPhone

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