Control UAC And Make It More User Friendly : Creating Shortcuts For Administrative Mode

U AC is clearly a great security and privacy fundamental base in Windows OS. It prevent unwanted access in system files or any other pla...


UAC is clearly a great security and privacy fundamental base in Windows OS. It prevent unwanted access in system files or any other places where user can harm your System. This provides a great option for keeping things well and secret.But sometime good things in certain circumstances will not be suitable for use, like UAC prompts. It's really troubled when you often need to run a particular tool that requires administrator mode in order to run, and you don’t have the access or you are getting trouble to get in Administrator mode. It will constantly pop up a dialog requesting for Administrative password when you are trying to make system changes. Fortunately, there’s some way to make it more comfortable. There’s a hack that can create an Administrative shortcut mode which won’t prompt for UAC. Here, I am going to share this with you. Well, there are mainly two things you need to do. Firstly, you need to set up a scheduled task to run the application in Administrator mode. Then set up a separate shortcut that tells the scheduled task to run. Do you think it’s difficult? I am sure you will find it easy after reading this. So join me after the break!

Note: I have tried this on Windows 7. This should also work on Windows Vista.

Create the Scheduled Task Item

Click on Start and write Task on the search option. You will find Task Scheduler.

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Open the Task Scheduler and click on “Create Task” from the right side menu.

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Now here you need to give the task a short, simple name (Preferably without any spaces in it) 1st. Then check the box for “Run with highest privileges” (Remember This. It’s very important)

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Now click on the “Actions” tab, then click the “New” button and browse down to the application that you are trying to start and then press ok.

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Now Close out of the dialogs by clicking the OK button, which should create the new task in the list. Now the 1st part is done. You have setup scheduled tasks.

Setup A Shortcut to Start the Task

Right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose New > Shortcut from the menu.

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Now, here’s where you need to give a bit of attention. You need to add a command that will run the scheduled task, passing in the name of the task that you have used. As you can see, I used UACDisabler as the name for the task.

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Make sure you enter the task name like this, replacing the capitalized letters for the name of your task. (It’s not case sensitive).

schtasks /run /tn “TASKNAMEINQUOTES”

Now give your shortcut some useful name, and then click next to create it.


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Now you have created a shortcut that will launch the application in administrator mode. Well done! You have finished it.

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If you are a bit more advanced looking and trying to customize the icon for better recognition as well as better look, then right click on the shortcut and click on “Properties”.

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Then select “Change Icon” and after that, browse for you desired icon. Click ok if you have finished.

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So now you have a nice looking icon that launches an application in Administrator mode.

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During our test, we have tried on 3 Default System app and two other apps. We have succeeded 4 times and the last time, we failed. So you can give a try as it has far better opportunity for success.

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