Android Rapid Snap : Manage Your Device With Norton Mobile Utilities

N orton Mobile Utilities is a free Android app available in Beta version. It include features like managing applications, allowing you to ...

Android Rapid Snap  Manage Your Device With Norton Mobile Utilities (10) (Copy)

Norton Mobile Utilities is a free Android app available in Beta version. It include features like managing applications, allowing you to stop running apps, uninstall apps, move apps to your SD card, and back up your apps to your SD card and much more. It can provide detailed information on the behavior of individual apps with a battery life indicator, CPU speed test, system time, user time, memory usage, and permissions displays. Another great thing is you can keep track of phone usage, minutes used, SMS usage and data usage, and warns you if you go beyond your set limit via this. More after the break.


  • Manages applications with an easy to use app killer, app uninstaller, SD card manager, and SD card app backup assistant.
  • Provides detailed information on the behavior of individual apps with a battery life indicator, CPU speed test, system time, user time, memory usage, and permissions displays.
  • Keeps track of phone usage, minutes used, SMS usage and data usage, and warns you if you go beyond your set limit.
  • Shows graphical real-time battery monitors, CPU speed charts, memory monitors, and network status monitors.
  • Shows detailed reports of CPU speed, battery status, memory status, and network usage for all applications installed on your device.
  • Provides quick access to system information such as Android version, hardware details, networks, and much more.
  • Finds and manages installer files on your SD card.
  • Provides a customizable widget for quick access to a few useful features.
  • Helps you reduce the amount of space used by various apps. You can remove unused apps, move apps to your SD card, and use our advanced cache cleaner.

Android Rapid Snap  Manage Your Device With Norton Mobile Utilities (1) (Copy)Android Rapid Snap  Manage Your Device With Norton Mobile Utilities (6) (Copy)Android Rapid Snap  Manage Your Device With Norton Mobile Utilities (7) (Copy)Android Rapid Snap  Manage Your Device With Norton Mobile Utilities (8) (Copy)Android Rapid Snap  Manage Your Device With Norton Mobile Utilities (9) (Copy)

Some FAQs:

  • How can I exclude an app from being stopped by Norton Mobile Utilities?
    In the Apps module, press and hold down the app, then choose “Exclude” from the menu.
  • Does the minutes tracker quota include free in-network minutes?
    Yes. Currently we consider every minute equally.
  • How can I install Norton Mobile Utilities on my SD card?
    First, download and install it from market. Then, in the Apps module, press and hold down “Norton Mobile Utilities” and choose “Move to SD card” from the menu.
  • How can I customize the widget?
    Open Norton Mobile Utilities and press Menu->Settings.

Norton Mobile Utilities is supported on Android 2.1 and higher.

Download Norton Mobile Utilities For Android


  1. This is one of the most useful tools in my phone! I have missed it yet but you showed it to me. Thanks!


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