TweetCaster Android App by Handmark is loaded with features for Twitter while mobile! It has virtually every Twitter feature: Timeline, @Replies, Direct Messages, Favorites, Lists, Follow/Unfollow, Tweet/Retweet, Trends, Search (even save your searches or geo searches to see Tweeps near you), Photo uploading, URL shortening, Profiles, Android notifications, and supports multiple Twitter accounts. A few other features you’ll find while poking around the app such as Filtering the timeline or Tweets. There are a lot of app available for Android to make users’ Twitter experience soother. We have also shared two of them previously. One is the Official Twitter App For Android and the other is TweetDeck. Obviously both of them are great and worth of giving a try, but during our test, we found another great app call TweetCaster for Twitter. In our words, this one beats the previously shared twos. It is One of the Best Twitter Android Apps and has a lot of features. It’s Fast! and Very well organized too.When it comes to mobile Twitter clients, there are two basic forms: Bare-bones apps, and apps that bring the UI candy, sometimes sacrificing functionality. TweetCaster finds a good middle ground, especially when it comes to its user interface. Obviously lengthy tweets take up more room. I'm averaging about four tweets a screen. From the main time line you also can read @ replies, DMs, favorited tweets and lists (though lists weren't working for me in the beta). Scrolling is smooth on the Droid. So set on your back and be straight forward, we are bringing the very best twitter client in front of you.
Newest Addition:
- SmartLists - Organize the chaos of your Twitter stream
- Zip It – zip annoying tweeters or Twitter trends from your timeline without unfollowing
- Instapaper support – Save long stories to Instapaper to read later
- Color code tweets – Choose a custom color for your tweets and mentions
Features At A Glance
- Simultaneously post to Twitter and Facebook
- Multiple Twitter account support
- Multiple widgets
- Retweet with or without comment
- Twitlonger service
- Conversation thread view
- Twitter lists
- Customized Twitter notifications
- Enhanced search functionality (including user and nearby search)
- Suggested Users (suggests people to follow)
- Zip annoying tweeters or Twitter trends from your timeline without unfollowing
- Save long stories to Instapaper to read later
- Choose a custom color for your tweets and mentions

TweetCaster runs on Android 1.5 and up.
Download TweetCaster For Android v 4.1 For Free
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