Beach Moto: Elasto Mania Like Dirt Style Moto Racing Game In Sea-Coast [Android Game]

In Beach Moto you need to overcome various stages littered with obstacles while controlling a motorcycle bratty. Similar to the proposal cla...

Beach-Moto-Elasto-Mania-Like-Dirt-Style-Moto-Racing-Game-In-Sea-Coast-[Android-Game]-(8)In Beach Moto you need to overcome various stages littered with obstacles while controlling a motorcycle bratty. Similar to the proposal classic games like Elasto Mania - Beach Moto allows a series of maneuvers on slopes and tops. The idea is to reach the next checkpoint vivo in various stages Coastal - all acclimated according to the theme. Beach Moto is another of the heirs of the formula started with pioneers like Elasto Mania. For those not familiar: it is put it on a motorcycle to traverse stages packed with the most varied challenges - ramps, stones, parked cars etc. The shift is, of course, is also in sidecrsolling (two-dimensional, such as a Mario Brothers. On wheels). But there is an obvious difference here compared to other games of the genre - obvious ... Not exactly relevant. All phases here are located in coastal landscapes. To close the ambience, there are still Hawaiian songs. And, of course, your driver comes dressed in appropriate clothing.

Beach-Moto-Elasto-Mania-Like-Dirt-Style-Moto-Racing-Game-In-Sea-Coast-[Android-Game]-(1)  Beach-Moto-Elasto-Mania-Like-Dirt-Style-Moto-Racing-Game-In-Sea-Coast-[Android-Game]-(2)

Regarding the gameplay, however, there is great news. This is the good old "lean forward or backward and speed." Apart from the issue of lack of originality, there is still the fact that not everything here works as it should. Beach Moto brings failures sprites (pictures), and choppy movement to "crown" the experience, interaction with objects of the scenarios is not the best. Although it sometimes appears with a slideshow, the quality of the textures and objects is hardly the worst. The scenarios are always different, never falling into monotony - ignoring, of course, there's always the sea in the background. However, truth be told, the experiment proposed by Beach Bike has been very well developed in most other games of the genre.

Beach-Moto-Elasto-Mania-Like-Dirt-Style-Moto-Racing-Game-In-Sea-Coast-[Android-Game]-(4)  Beach-Moto-Elasto-Mania-Like-Dirt-Style-Moto-Racing-Game-In-Sea-Coast-[Android-Game]-(7)

All game control is done through the touchscreen of your tablet/smartphone. Using two virtual controls - located on the lower extremities of the screen - you control the tilt of the bike (front and back) and also the acceleration.


  • Beautiful coastal landscapes.
  • Good soundtrack.


  • Gameplay could be improved.
  • Screen crashes evenly.
  • Interaction with scene objects is unconvincing.

Download Beach Moto For Android

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