Scientists Create System That Uses Friction To Recharge Cell Phone Batteries [News]

Researchers at Georgia Tech University (United States) have created another innovative system for recharging smartphone batteries . Based on...

Scientists-Create-System-That-Uses-Friction-To-Recharge-Cell-Phone-Batteries-[News]Researchers at Georgia Tech University (United States) have created another innovative system for recharging smartphone batteries. Based on studies of static electricity, they created a device capable of storing electrical energy generated from friction between plastic and metal materials - nanoscale surfaces contribute to a better use. The friction causes the electrons to wiggle and get the load required for the desired features - is something like what happens when air balloons are electrified by friction with the hair. About 50 common materials could be used to create the charging system, but so far only 15% of the mechanical energy can be converted.


The project researchers propose the use of the materials in layers with sufficient size to generate the energy needed to recharge portable devices - this could be applied to a cellular carrier attached to the arm, for example. Although the technology is promising, it should still take a few years for something to be released commercially.


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