Orphan Planet Is Discovered Wandering Alone In Space Without Any Solar System Or Any Star To Orbit

According to a news published on Discovery News website, an international group of researchers discovered the existence of a planet drifting...

Orphan-Planet-Is-Discovered-Wandering-Alone-In-Space-Without-Any-Solar-System-Or-Any-Star-To-OrbitAccording to a news published on Discovery News website, an international group of researchers discovered the existence of a planet drifting in space that does not orbit around any star nor belong to any solar system. Baptized by astronomers as CFBDSIR2149, the orphan planet is approximately 130 light years from Earth, in a region of space known as AB Doradus, a small moving group for star cluster. This region is formed by a group of new stars, and astronomers have never detected the presence of any planet wandering around like this. Our planet, Earth, is orbiting around Sun and a part of The Solar System (Sol, I believe).


Scientists estimate that the Lonely Planet is about 50 to 120 million years old, and its surface has a temperature of about 400°C. Moreover, its mass is four to seven times heavier than the mass of Jupiter, and the star can only be studied in such detail thanks to the fact is not close - or stuck to the gravitational field - no big star.


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