How To Get Windows 7 Like Start Menu, Task Manager & Windows Explorer In Windows 8

The most important and major change in Windows 8 is undoubtedly the radical UI change. Windows 8 has been exceptional among other Windows  ...

How To Get Windows 7 Like Start Menu, Task Manager & Windows Explorer In Windows 8 (31

The most important and major change in Windows 8 is undoubtedly the radical UI change. Windows 8 has been exceptional among other Windows  versions in the field of User Interface. The new metro start menu, the ribbon explorer, the task manager…..all are brilliantly different from other Windows. I like the task manager and the ribbon menu in Windows Explorer but I really feet it uncomfortable to use the current metro start menu. If you want to change them back like Windows 8, then here’s a simple tips for you. Let’s follow for more info.

We are going to change this metro start menu via registry editing. But through this way, not only metro start menu will be changed but also the ribbon explorer and the new task manager will be disabled and back like Windows 7. We will also show you how to revert those changes to default. Let’s get now.

1st open Run by using Windows Key + R shortcut and write “regedit” on the field and then hit enter.

How To Get Windows 7 Like Start Menu, Task Manager & Windows Explorer In Windows 8 (1)

Now navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer from the left panel. Now double click on RPEnabled

How To Get Windows 7 Like Start Menu, Task Manager & Windows Explorer In Windows 8 (2)

Now on the “Value Data” field, you will see the default value is 1. Just replace this with 0.

How To Get Windows 7 Like Start Menu, Task Manager & Windows Explorer In Windows 8 (4)

Now restart your system and you will see the metro start menu including new task manager and ribbon menu has gone.

How To Get Windows 7 Like Start Menu, Task Manager & Windows Explorer In Windows 8 (31

To revert those changes back, follow all steps above and on the “Value Data” field, use 1 instead of 0.


You will get the original windows 8 layout on the next restart.


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