Sparky Tweets Live Wallpaper Pushes Twitter Updates On You Android Homescreen

We have previously covered an Android application called TwiLPaper that can push Twitter updates directly to your homescreen. Today we ar...

sshot-1We have previously covered an Android application called TwiLPaper that can push Twitter updates directly to your homescreen. Today we are sharing another similar application that can do the same in a better way. Yes, Sparky Tweets Live Wallpaper is that one which can directly show updates on your homescreen even if your device is locked. This is an amazing one for the hardcore Twitter fan anyway. Technically Sparky Tweets is like a live wallpaper that make your phone more appealing and spicy by adding a Twitter updates window.

To use Sparky Tweets LWP, go to Menu > Wallpapers > Live wallpapers >  Sparky Tweets Live Wallpaper > Set wallpaper. You must have an authorized Twitter account, should I say that? From the Settings menu, sign in to your Twitter account – then set up a custom wallpaper and at last Set Tweets Interval means how often the tweets will arrive.

Sparky Tweets Live Wallpaper Pushes Twitter Updates On You Android Homescreen (1)  Sparky Tweets Live Wallpaper Pushes Twitter Updates On You Android Homescreen (2)

Check out the demo video below.

This application is on beta (as of this writing) and can be downloaded from Android Market for free. It requires Android 2.1 or latest to run.

Download Sparky Tweets Live Wallpaper

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