Start Menu 8: Bring Back The Full-Featured Old Start Button & Start Menu In Windows 8

Start Menu 8 is an application for Windows 8 that allows users to insert the traditional Start Menu of Windows 7 and Vista the new version ...

StartMenu8-Bring-Back-The-Full-Featured-Old-Start-Button-&-Start-Menu-In-Windows-8-(3)Start Menu 8 is an application for Windows 8 that allows users to insert the traditional Start Menu of Windows 7 and Vista the new version of Microsoft's Operating System. If you one of those users who are not satisfied with the lack of the old menu and start button on the desktop of Windows 8 and still believe that life would have been easier if Windows 8 could contain the traditional start button and menu, with this program you can have them back. The program does not have an interface itself, applying its main function immediately after installation on your computer. Using this tool from IObit, you will be able to create a fully functional and interactive Start Menu right in the taskbar of Windows 8. More to read.

Out of many other competitors available on the market, IObit's Start Menu 8 stands out for it's flawless performance with modern and simple interface.

While many people like the changes (such as replacing traditional Windows Start Menu with Metro interface), as many visual aspects have changed, it has not always been a pleasing thing for all users. One of them is related to people who were already accustomed to the traditional Start Menu and thinks it would be better to bring back the old style.

StartMenu8-Bring-Back-The-Full-Featured-Old-Start-Button-&-Start-Menu-In-Windows-8-(2)  StartMenu8-Bring-Back-The-Full-Featured-Old-Start-Button-&-Start-Menu-In-Windows-8-(3)

If you also prefer the ability to access the programs menu by using good old method, traditional Start Button, Start Menu 8 will certainly be a very useful tool. Basically, the program offers the start menu and start button back to your Desktop easily for free.


Using this tool is pretty simple and easy. Just install it from the link given below and once the installation finishes, the settings window of the program will show up. From the settings window (you can access it later by right clicking on the created start button and selecting Settings), you will be able to configure the look and behavior of the Start Menu easily. From the General Settings, you will be able to disable a few Windows 8 feature to make it more the the older versions of Windows (like disabling Hot Corners, skipping Metro Screen and more). You can also define Start Menu 8 hotkeys for easy access from here.


Then from the Start Button, you can change the look of the displayed start button on the taskbar. Here are a few style available and you can get more from the recommendation link.


From the Menu settings, you can change how the menu links will appear in the start menu. Such as, you can hide Run button from the start menu or display as a link there and so on.


Now off to User Interface, you can change the language, font size or even switch between Windows 8 and Windows 7 style (Round corners or straight corners) and more.

The performance of Start Menu 8 is quite satisfactory as well as it’s features too. The only problem I faced while using Start Menu 8 is, it doesn’t pin frequently used programs as it should in the first page. But the presence of search options, power option and other, it is a quite complete tool to get back the old goodies in the new Windows 8. Start Menu 8 is a freeware tool works in both 32-bit and 64-bit version of Windows 8.

Download Start Menu 8

1 comment :

  1. I prefer's stardock's more. But this one looks promising. Although I don't like the visual style of of the start menu, it better be more classic or more metro style. The color scheme looks to be too light and bright yet in my eyes.


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