Tab Expose is an extension for Google Chrome which allows you to manage and navigate through the tabs quickly. It is a great tool for those who hold many tabs opened at the same time in the browser. The program displays small thumbnails that are open, helping you quickly find the one you want. Who usually keep many tabs open in Chrome will really enjoy Tab Expose. This is because the more tabs are open in the browser, the harder it is to identify and navigate through them. Tab Expose can resolve this situation by showing small thumbnails of the pages that are open either on a new window or a pop-up window. The program is fast and there is almost no delay in opening a page when you click a thumbnail. This extension only works on Google Chrome but if you looking for a similar one for Mozilla Firefox, then you might like to look into Access To All Open Tabs Quickly From Sidebar via Side Tabs.
The Tab Expose will show only a slight delay when you click on top of your button: it takes about 3-6 seconds (depending on how many tabs are opened) to load the thumbnails. The tabs are not updated automatically within the program although. If you close or open one, you need to refresh the page (press F5 or reload button) for the extension to display the changes.
The extension shows a counter with the button which displays the total number of tabs that are opened. That way, you control how many pages opened. The indication of what tab is currently open, called "You are here" (you are here), loses its meaning when you view the thumbnails in a tab (instead of the popup). After all, if you're with the flap open for extension, can not be in another in the same window. The display of numbers of tabs (which shows how many are open) can be useful for the user control in the endless task to open them. The more of them are open, more computer memory is used, then it is good to have a Controller Tabs and set a limit not to let the PC or Chrome slow. Moreover, it is possible to organize the opened tabs, deleting those that you are no longer using via Tab Expose. Tab Expose works simply, if you want to access a page through the extension, just click over the image of that tab. You can also close it by pressing the x (which refers to Close) which is in the upper right corner of the thumbnail.
To access the Tab Expose, click on the icon of the extension (Located on the right side of the address bar of Chrome). By default, the program will display your open tabs in a popup window (can also be displayed in a new tab. See below, under settings). Tab Expose allows to customize its functions. To access them, right-click the program icon (beside the address bar) and then click on Options. You can change the following behavior of Tab Expose from the Options:
- Choose how to open Tab Expose's tab selection page: You can change the behavior of the Tab Expose from here. It can be shown as Popup (a window is open just below the button), or New Tab (a new tab).
- Theme: Choose the theme of the page. You can choose whether Mac style (gray background) or Windows-style (white background with blue) whichever you like.
- Show tab count on the icon: Enable tabs counter that counts how many are open beneath the icon of the extension through this function.
- Hotkey: Create a keyboard shortcut for the application.
Tab Expose is a brilliant Google Chrome extension that lets you manage and navigate through opened tabs easily and effectively.
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